About Us

We're as local as you are

a local builder who get's the job done

our story

your family builder

As a team of true locals from the Southern Downs region we care about the quality of homes we produce within our community.

Since 2004 Mark Hughes has been building residential homes. Hughes Elite Builders, is a family building company with a team of specialised tradesmen with expertise in tiling, roofing, plumbing, carpentry and building.

our team

Our Services

Hughes + You

Custom Designs

Not ok with Ordinary? Hughes gets you. . . Have a chat with Mark and we can walk through your needs, discuss your location and create a new home design that considers you, the unique aspects of your land, your needs and your lifestyle.

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new homes

You’re not just a number at Hughes. We work with a handful of clients each year to keep the quality and standards high. We give your New Home our full attention to make certain no details are overlooked.

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house renovations

Revive your home and discover that new home feeling again. Our friendly team are experienced in modernising and completely overhauling homes of any age, size and style.

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house extensions

Struggling to find your place in the home? Double your floor area and extend your home. Hughes Elite can build it up, out or under. It’s the right choice when you have out grown your home.

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local service for a better finish

with you from the ground up

  • personal support from your builder

  • custom design guidance

  • regular communication

  • availability when you need it